You Could Save A Little One’s Dreams TodayChoose from the children below to hold their hand as they walk through the journey of life.NAME: AMOLLO JULIETAGE: 16LOCATION: UGANDANAME: HAMISI LUWALALAAGE: 9BIRTHDAY: 14.9.2014LOCATION: UGANDANAME: SURUZWATI DADIRAGE: 2BIRTHDAY: 14.5.2022LOCATION: UGANDANAME: KIBIRIGE AUGUSTINEAGE: 11BIRTHDAY: 27.3.2013LOCATION: UGANDANAME: TELWANI BRIANAGE: 10BIRTHDAY: 1.8.2013LOCATION: UGANDANAME: NAMAGANDA DERBORAHAGE: 3BIRTHDAY: 25.6.2020LOCATION: UGANDANAME: EKISA GODFREYAGE: 7BIRTHDAY: 10.8.2016LOCATION: UGANDANAME: OPIO LAWRENCEAGE: 13BIRTHDAY: 11.8.2010LOCATION: UGANDANAME: NAMILEMBE MARIAMAGE: 3BIRTHDAY: 1.4.2021LOCATION: UGANDACONTACT USPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastName Of Child Or Single MotherWho is the child or single mother you are intending to support?Email *Comment or MessageDonation Per Month10 USD30 USD55 USDDONATION METHODS *Mobile MoneyBank TransferFor both choices, you should submit this form such that we are aware of your support or guide you to send funds. For Mobile Money, you may transfer instantly to +256782481306 Thank You!Submit